Cherishing community and chasing fun
Caroline Cahilly, ’24, reflects on her time spent with running club and the impact that donor support through The Stanford Fund has had on her student group.
Joyful. Meaningful. Goofy. Inclusive. These are the terms that Caroline Cahilly, ’24, uses to describe her time as a member and co-president of the Stanford Running Club.
For Caroline, who majors in computer science, running is a passion—one that challenges her and pushes her to develop and grow outside of the classroom. Her involvement on the club team has allowed her to make lasting memories and forge meaningful relationships with an incredible group of peers.
The running club is open to any student who wants to join, from recreational runners or beginners to elite national-caliber runners. The only requirement is that you love to run. Being bound by passion, rather than skill, is what makes the club so special in Caroline’s eyes.
“As a result, our club has a great positive dynamic that’s really fun for everyone who participates,” Caroline says. “The energy that everyone brings to our daily runs and competitions always brightens my day.”
A highlight of her Stanford experience, Caroline credits the running club with strengthening her sense of belonging on campus. Her story is an example of how student-led clubs provide opportunities for building the confidence and strong social ties that are essential to well-being and learning. These groups foster friendships and memories that persist after graduation. Gifts through The Stanford Fund support thousands of students participating in more than 150 student groups, which for many undergrads is a pivotal part of the Stanford experience.