
Founders’ Circle
Jane and Leland Stanford envisioned a great institution serving innumerable generations. That vision has been realized largely because a dedicated few shared their foresight and generosity.
Connecting Stanford’s past to its future
Through the Founders’ Circle, the university recognizes—alongside Jane and Leland Stanford—those whose lifetime giving has surpassed $1 million. Of Stanford’s 200,000 alumni, parents, and friends, fewer than 1,300 have achieved this distinction.
Your generosity connects you with Stanford’s founders and plays a vital role in shaping Stanford’s future.
The Founders’ Circle honor roll lists all members who have agreed to be included. For questions about the honor roll, contact Eliza McNulty at emcnulty@stanford.edu or (650) 721-2192.
Frequently asked questions
The Founders’ Circle is a recognition society that celebrates those donors who have given at least $1 million cumulatively to Stanford University during their lifetimes.
If you have given a total of $1 million or more to Stanford University, the university recognizes you as a member of the Founders’ Circle and, with your approval, lists your name, along with those of your generous peers, on the honor roll.
Annual gifts, restricted and unrestricted gifts, endowed gifts, and pledge payments (but not pledges themselves) to any part of the university are counted in the lifetime giving total.
Yes. The Founding Grant Society celebrates those who have made a bequest or planned gift to Stanford. The Founders’ Circle recognizes giving during a donor’s lifetime.
Upcoming events
Please save the date! Founders’ Circle Day will take place on Saturday, May 3, 2025.
More information on the schedule and program to come.
Students . . . I hope your lives will be truly earnest, not in the sense of going forth to acquire great wealth and great names; but to be conscientious workers, to be helpful to others, to send cheer and goodwill to those who need lifting up, and to always follow the Golden Rule.
Jane Stanford, October 1891
Questions? Get in touch.
We would love to hear from you.
Do you have feedback about your Founders’ Circle membership or your experience as a Stanford supporter? Are you moved to share why you give to Stanford? We would be delighted to hear what is on your mind.
Contact Eliza McNulty, director of donor relations, at emcnulty@stanford.edu or (650) 721-2192.