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Make a Gift by Wire Transfer

Thank you for your interest in supporting Stanford with a gift by wire transfer.

Individual donors

To get started, please take the following steps:

  1. Complete the Wire Transfer Request form and send it to your banker or financial adviser.

  2. Email a copy of the completed form to Stanford Development Services and Cash Management at

The bank will then transfer the funds from your account to Stanford.

By sending Stanford a copy of the form, you alert us that your gift is on its way and ensure that it will be used as you intended.

Questions? Please contact Stanford Development Services at (650) 725-4360, option 3, or (866) 543-0243.

International wiring instructions

*****As of July 28, 2022: International wire SWIFT instructions have been updated.*****

For international, choose one BIC or SWIFT #:

WFBIUS6S - To be used when sending United States currency (USD) from an international remitter to Stanford University's account.

WFBIUS6WFFX To be used when sending foreign currency (i.e. Euros) from an international remitter to Stanford University’s account. Upon receipt of funds, Wells Fargo Bank will convert foreign currency to USD.

Corporations, foundations, and other institutional funders

  • Email us at to alert us of your gift. To ensure accurate handling, include the following:

    —Date Stanford should expect the wire

    —Dollar amount

    —Sending organization

    —Intended department at Stanford (if known)

Use our recipient information:

Stanford University—Development Services
Wells Fargo Bank
San Francisco Main Office
420 Montgomery Street
San Francisco, CA 94104 USA

Account #: 4944-863570

Reference: the gift designation or the name of anyone at Stanford with whom you may have discussed this gift.

For U.S. donors: ABA Routing #: 121-000248

For international donors: choose one BIC or SWIFT #:

  • WFBIUS6S - To be used when sending United States currency (USD) from an international remitter to Stanford University's account.

  • WFBIUS6WFFX  To be used when sending foreign currency (i.e. Euros) from an international remitter to Stanford University’s account. Upon receipt of funds, Wells Fargo Bank will convert foreign currency to USD.