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Endowed Positions at Stanford

Endowed positions are gifted by donors to support outstanding faculty, staff, and campus leaders. Through these meaningful investments, donors help enhance the Stanford community and strengthen the university’s future.

Stanford Law School

The information presented in the table below is arranged alphabetically by title. Additional information is at Stanford Law School.

TitleCurrent Holder
The Anonymous Law ProfessorshipTo Be Named
The William F. Baxter-VISA International Professorship in LawCurtis Milhaupt
The Charles A. Beardsley Professorship in LawJames F. Strnad
The Bernard Bergreen Faculty ScholarColleen Honigsberg
The Paul Brest ProfessorshipTo Be Named
The C. Wendell and Edith M. Carlsmith Professorship at Stanford Law SchoolJohn J. Donohue III
The Gerhard Casper Professorship in the Rule of LawTo Be Named
The Warren Christopher Professorship in the Practice of International Law and DiplomacyAlan O. Sykes
The Luke W. Cole Professorship in Environmental Law and Directorship of the Stanford Environmental Law ClinicDeborah A. Sivas
The Helen L. Crocker Faculty ScholarJud Campbell
The Josephine Scott Crocker Professorship in Law and EconomicsA. Mitchell Polinsky
The William Nelson Cromwell Professorship in LawJane Schacter
The Judge John Crown Professorship in LawGeorge L. Fisher
The Judge John W. Ford Professorship in Dispute ResolutionDeborah R. Hensler
The William A. Franke Professorship in Law and BusinessRobert Bartlett
The James C. Gaither Professorship in LawMark G. Kelman
The Edwin A. Heafey, Jr. Visiting ProfessorshipAlexandra Klass
The Edwin E. Huddleson, Jr. Professorship in LawRobert Weisberg
The Deane F. Johnson Faculty ScholarTo Be Named
The Deane F. Johnson Professorship in LawLisa Ouellette
The Deane F. and Kate Edelman Johnson Professorship in LawHenry T. Greely
The Leah Kaplan Visiting Professorship in Human RightsTo Be Named
The James and Nancy Kelso ProfessorshipAlison D. Morantz
The Marion Rice Kirkwood Professorship in LawGreg Ablavsky
The James and Patricia Kowal ProfessorshipRobert J. MacCoun
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This site is a comprehensive directory of endowed positions at Stanford. It is updated six times per year, following meetings of Stanford's Board of Trustees. Last updated March 5, 2025. For questions or corrections please email