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Endowed Positions at Stanford

Endowed positions are gifted by donors to support outstanding faculty, staff, and campus leaders. Through these meaningful investments, donors help enhance the Stanford community and strengthen the university’s future.

Hoover Institution

The information presented in the table below is arranged alphabetically by title. Additional information is at Hoover Institution.

TitleCurrent Holder
The Fouad and Michelle Ajami FellowH. R. McMaster
The Rose-Marie and Jack R. Anderson Senior FellowJohn H. Cochrane
The Annenberg Distinguished Visiting FellowJames O. Ellis, Jr.
The Annenberg Distinguished Visiting FellowJames Goodby
The Annenberg Distinguished Visiting FellowAdele Hayutin
The Annenberg Distinguished Visiting FellowSam Nunn
The Annenberg Distinguished Visiting FellowJames Timbie
The William C. Bark National FellowKelly Shannon
The Paul H. Bauer Senior FellowKenneth L. Judd
The Bechtel Directorship of CommunicationsEryn Witcher Tillman
The Peter and Kirsten Bedford Senior FellowRichard A. Epstein
The W. Glenn Campbell Research FellowKiron K. Skinner
The Virginia Hobbs Carpenter Fellow in JournalismWilliam “Bill” Whalen
The William L. Clayton Senior FellowLarry Diamond
The Robert Conquest Curatorship for Russia and EurasiaAnatol Shmelev
The Morris Arnold and Nona Jean Cox Senior FellowAmy Zegart
The Davies Family Distinguished FellowGeneral Jim Mattis
The Peter and Frances Duignan Visiting FellowJendayi E. Frazer
The Susan Louise Dyer Peace FellowVolha Charnysh
The William C. Edwards Distinguished Visiting FellowGeorge Osborne
The Leonard and Shirley Ely Senior FellowJohn F. Cogan
The Thomas W. and Susan B. Ford Senior FellowSteven Davis
The Rose and Milton Friedman Senior Fellow on Public PolicyThomas Sowell
The Paul and Jean Hanna Senior Fellow in EducationEric Hanushek
The Keith and Jan Hurlbut Senior FellowDaniel P. Kessler
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This site is a comprehensive directory of endowed positions at Stanford. It is updated six times per year, following meetings of Stanford's Board of Trustees. Last updated March 5, 2025. For questions or corrections please email