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Endowed Positions at Stanford

Endowed positions are gifted by donors to support outstanding faculty, staff, and campus leaders. Through these meaningful investments, donors help enhance the Stanford community and strengthen the university’s future.

Graduate School of Business

The information presented in the table below is arranged alphabetically by title. Additional information is at Graduate School of Business.

TitleCurrent Holder
The Adams Distinguished Professorship in ManagementGlenn Carroll
The Adams Distinguished Professorship in ManagementJ. Darrell Duffie
The Adams Distinguished Professorship in ManagementYossi Feinberg
The Dhirubhai Ambani Faculty Fellow in EntrepreneurshipGarth Saloner
The Amman Mineral Faculty FellowJoseph D. Piotroski
The Applied Econometrics ProfessorshipGuido Imbens
The Ernest C. Arbuckle Professorship in the Graduate School of BusinessKathryn L. Shaw
The David S. and Ann M. Barlow Professorship in the Graduate School of BusinessKenneth Shotts
The Botha-Chan Faculty ScholarJuliane Begenau
The Botha-Chan Faculty ScholarDaniela Saban
The Botha-Chan Faculty ScholarChris Tonetti
The Botha-Chan ProfessorshipGarth Saloner
The BP Faculty Fellow in Global ManagementDale Miller
The Frank E. Buck Professorship in the Graduate School of BusinessCharles A. O’Reilly III
The Business School Trust Faculty FellowLanier Benkard
The Business School Trust Faculty FellowJonathan Levav
The Business School Trust Faculty FellowKathryn Shaw
The Business School Trust Faculty FellowStefanos Zenios
The Business School Trust Faculty ScholarJinhwan Kim
The Chai-Siriwatwechakul Faculty FellowGuido Imbens
The Class of 1968/Ed Zschau ProfessorshipDale T. Miller
The Class of 1988 ProfessorshipRebecca Diamond
The Michelle R. Clayman Faculty FellowSuzie Noh
The Edith M. Cornell Business ProfessorshipNeil Malhotra
The RoAnn Costin ProfessorshipTo Be Named
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This site is a comprehensive directory of endowed positions at Stanford. It is updated six times per year, following meetings of Stanford's Board of Trustees. Last updated March 5, 2025. For questions or corrections please email